World Drowning Prevention Day
28 Jul 2024

Call for implementation of National Strategy to prevent drowning

The Centre for Injury Prevention and Research, Bangladesh (CIPRB) organized a seminar on “Accelerating Drowning Prevention Actions” on July 24, 2023 to mark the UN declared World Drowning Prevention Day (July 25). Dr. Mu: Anwar Hossain Howlader, Secretary, Health Care Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, was present as the chief guest in this seminar organized in CIRDAP auditorium. The Executive Director of CIPRB, Professor Dr. AKM Fazlur Rahman welcomed the invited guests. Dr. Aminur Rahman, Deputy Executive Director, CIPRB was the key note speaker.

Professor Dr. Mohammad Robed Amin, Line Director, Non Communicable Disease Control Programme, Directorate of Health, was present there as special guest. Among other special guests Prof Md Abul Faiz, Professor of Medicine, Former Director General, Directorate of Health, Anzeer Liton, Director General, Bangladesh Shishu Academy, Farida Yasmin, President, National Press Club, Miss Natalie McCauley, Head of Child Protection, UNICEF, Bangladesh, Dr. Sadhana Bhagwat, Medical Officer and Team Lead, Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health, World Health Organization, Country Office Bangladesh were in the seminar.

Through an open discussion, the speakers said that it is necessary for all concerned ministries to work together to reduce drowning deaths. Discussions also emphasis that the true number of drowning deaths is not visible due to lack of proper recording. Necessary initiatives should be taken to ensure that nationally. Also, after rescuing a drowning person it is important to give first aid. For this reason, the speakers emphasized on bringing marginalized groups under first response training.

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